Configuration and Packages for Sublime Text 2

By Jimmy Bonney | November 10, 2012

Sublime Text

It seems that within a year, Sublime Text has become one of the most loved text / code editor around here. I cannot count the number of articles that have been written about it, and it’s probably a good thing: it means that people like it… a lot.

I have been using it for some time now and I completely understand why people are so optimistic about it. Among others strong points, we can simply cite:

  • Cross platform (Windows, OSX, Linux) software
  • Configuration options for pretty much everything
  • Many, many packages to add even more functionalities

Sublime Text 2

Since I am using Sublime Text on multiple OS, I often need to replicate my configuration files from one installation to another. In order to make this easier for me, I am simply putting here my configuration file and list the different packages that I am using.

Below is my current configuration at the time of writing. For an up to date version, have a look at this gist.

    "bold_folder_labels": true,
    "color_scheme": "Packages/Base16 Color Schemes/base16-default.dark.tmTheme",
    "font_face": "Ubuntu Mono",
    "font_size": 11.0,
    "highlight_line": true,
    "highlight_modified_tabs": true,
    "soda_classic_tabs": true,
    "tab_size": 2,
    "theme": "Soda Dark.sublime-theme",
    "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
    "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
    "word_wrap": "true"

In terms of installed packages, here is my current list. All of them have been installed through Will Bond’s Package Control. A lot of packages are related to syntax highlighting and snippets and a few more are here to simplify code edition.

For the time being, comments are managed by Disqus, a third-party library. I will eventually replace it with another solution, but the timeline is unclear. Considering the amount of data being loaded, if you would like to view comments or post a comment, click on the button below. For more information about why you see this button, take a look at the following article.