By Jimmy Bonney | May 5, 2013
Authentication and authorization are two important aspects of any web application. Users should be able to log into the application (this is where the authentication part kicks in) and then view / update / create resources based on their access rights (this is for the authorization).
There are plenty of gems allowing to implement (more or less) quickly those two concepts in a Rails application. A lot of developments have happened in this field in the last few years and to get an overview of the different tools available, the easiest is probably to look at The Ruby Toolbox in the authentication and authorization sections.
Some time ago, most of the authorization gems allowed to define global roles in an application. This means that a user could be assigned an admin role (for instance) that was valid on all components of the application. This type of behavior works well for a forum for instance – where users either have a role to manage the different posts or not – but this isn’t so convenient in an application where more granularity is needed. In a project base application, users could be assigned a manager role on some projects but a viewer role on others and therefore have local roles (or scoped roles). ACL9 was one of the first gem (as far as I know) to offer such behavior and allow to define granular roles on some resources. The remaining of this post focuses on ACL9 and more precisely on how to link / access resources based on the user role.